The sun came out even more! I really like how it looks in the photo taken at the intersection of the High Street and West Street which is at the left side of the photo. I believe that's fellow-tour-goer James in the blue jacket and Patricia in the magenta one. I may be wrong, so don't quote me. At the right side of the photo, you can see the front of the church which is connected to the school.

Here's a view of West Street. And, upon a closer look, that is definitely Patricia in the magenta jacket!

The Lacock War Memorial, directly across the street from where Patricia is walking. I read this online about the War Memorial: War Memorial, 1920, reusing early C18 monumental aedicule frame of memorial to Sir John Talbot (d 1714) in parish church. Ashlar, segmental pediment with ornate armorial trophy in tympanum and finely moulded entablature supported on two Corinthian columns standing on fielded panelled base. Ashlar infill of 1920 with niche and standing cross over inscription panel.

The memorial's inscription which shows those who perished in the First World War. Online I found the names of another 14 who died during World War II--I failed to notice that they are listed in a lower rectangle which is seen in the upper photo, between the two white vases filled with pink flowers.