Ah, my ice-cold Coca Cola and a glass with some ice cubes. Mighty fine--the only sort of pop I drank while in the UK, and then just twice. Those poppies enhance the paint color on the wall. I like the look of this still life photo, especially the curve in the wall beside the round table top.

Juliet's lunch, nachos. She reported that they were delicious.

My lunch, the Retro Breakfast. Doggone good, every single thing on the plate, doggone good. There was very little grease on the sausages or the mushrooms--they're just shiny in the photo.

The menu board out front which lists all the items in the All Day Retro Breakfast--that's why I wanted to eat at the Cafe Retro. Juliet went for the "Gluten Free Options Available!!!"

Great service from Jazz and Monika--so happy that they agreed that I could take their photo and put it on the blog. Thanks, ladies!

The view of the cafe from our table, a very pleasant place at the back of the room. Juliet came back to the table in a few moments and stated, "You're not going to like those stairs to the bathroom."

After walking down them, I decided they deserved a series of photos, starting from the bottom 'cause I'd be too afraid to take photos looking down. The first few steps back up to the ground level floor.

The next few--turning sharply and steeply. I couldn't get over how Monika rapidly walked up them, carrying plates of food in both hands!

You can get a better idea of the tightness of this turn and the steepness of these stairs in this photo.

Looking out onto the ground floor. Not quite there yet.

Looking back down the stairs. I took one photo, quickly. Whew. I walked down there and back up twice, once before we left after eating lunch and once before getting back on the coach--the ladies said it would be OK when I came back inside and asked them, since I'd already eaten there. Thanks, ladies!

One more photo. Thank goodness for the handrail which is solidly attached to the wall. And I held onto that narrow ledge of wood there on the right, until I could get my had up onto that pole attached to the wall.

Here I am in Bath after lunch--wearing my Blue Diamond PDX T-shirt (the Blue Diamond is my neighborhood bar where I thoroughly enjoy myself with their doggone good food, great service, and live music.) The red awnings in the background are on the windows of the Cafe Retro. And you can see the tower of the Bath Abbey in the background. I wish that we'd come straight to Bath from London instead of stopping at Windsor because we would have had more time to walk around and take in the sights of this lovely city.