Out of focus because I never thought to check the setting on the camera after getting it out of my back, until later! After our delicious, satisfying, and fortifying lunch at Simply Fish, we set out down the block to Camden Market (I never heard anyone call it Camden Lock Market, but that's what's on their Web site and on those two signs visible in the photo.). Juliet had been there in the past and wanted to explore as much of it as possible. There she is in the green jacket and jeans, turning left just past the end of the bridge over the lock. (Photos of the lock coming later in the post.) Myself--a bit sore from sitting on the plane for so long, then walking so much through the airports and tube stations--weighed down with my bag, my camera, my own lack of physical stamina, decided to take it slowly, to see what I could see. Unfortunately before it was all over, my slowness caused us to lose each other for a while. In the end, though, we were together again.

My first stop, this scarf stall. I bought two, not the dry-clean-onlies, but some beauties nevertheless! They're somewhere in those folded ones on the table to the right in this photo. I had a time making up my mind and settling for just two!

The view just across from the scarf stall. I have no idea which section of the huge market I stood in, but I do know that I like this ceiling and all of the wrought iron. Here's a bit I found on the Web about the markets: The Camden markets are a number of adjoining large retail markets in Camden Town near the Hampstead Road Lock of the Regent's Canal (popularly referred to as Camden Lock), often collectively named "Camden Market" or "Camden Lock". Among products sold on the stalls are crafts, clothing, bric-a-brac, and fast food. It is the fourth-most popular visitor attraction in London, attracting approximately 100,000 people each weekend. I am thankful we were there on a Monday!

I found some wrought iron steps to rest on--this is the view out into what looks to have been a courtyard at some point. These stalls fill it now, offering protection from the elements for the vendors. Cool, windy, a bit drizzly. Just about like Portland!

I walked outside to look at the canal and noticed water pouring into it. Hmmmm. What would I see next?

This is Regent's Canal. Are you able to tell the difference in the water's height in the foreground of the photo and in the background?
A bit from the Web: Camden Lock, or Hampstead Road Locks is a twin manually operated lock on the Regent's Canal in Camden Town, London Borough of Camden. The twin locks together are "Hampstead Road Lock 1"; each bears a sign so marked. Hawley lock and Kentish Town lock are a short distance away to the east; there are no nearby locks to the west.
The locks were constructed between 1818 and 1820 by James Morgan, with John Nash, supervising engineer. It is the only twin-lock remaining on the Canal, the remainder having been modified to single lock operation. The current locks are Grade II listed and replaced an innovative, but unsuccessful, hydropneumatic lock designed by William Congreve in an attempt to conserve water.
The lock is to the west of the Camden High Street road bridge. The yard and former warehouses, an area known as Camden Lock, are on the north side of the canal, at the junction with Chalk Farm Road. This area is adjacent to a canal basin and holds Camden Lock Market, one of the group of markets often called collectively Camden Market. It is a busy market popular with visitors, with music venues, cafes and canal towpath walks.

A coupled worked diligently to get their riverboat through the lock. He's attempting to hear what she's trying to tell him, but she's at the other end of the long boat, hand on the rudder. Tiller? I don't know for sure.

The boat's top became more visible as water continued to pour into the lock. He's turning a crank which looks to be taking quite an effort from him.

Discussion continues as the boat rises.

On the left of the photo, he's been pushing on the gate-opening panels, pushing for all he was worth for at least a minute. She's on the right of the photo, keeping the boat off the wall.

Back on board, she's steering the boat through the gates.

Looks like she's done this before!

The goal, not to hit the bridge!

Now he's working to close the gates again while she keeps the boat where she wants it.

Gates closing, she's pulling a rope from the boat to a bollard on shore.

One gate closed, he makes his way across the lock so that he can close the other. She holds the boat in place.

Success for the boat people and for Juliet and me. I walked away from watching and found Juliet looking for me. We walked over to the edge of the canal so that I could show her what I'd been photographing, and I got to take this photo, too!