Monday 15 September 2014

Seen at the Safeway Waterfront Blues Festival, No. 17, July 3, 2014 - a bit more Los Lonely Boys


I really like these brothers and their music. I left my seat and headed for the Music Millenium canopy, thinking I could get in line, buy a CD and have the guys sign it. By the time I got my ol' self over there, the waiting crowd was huge, spreading across the entire width of their CD-selling space. So, I took photos instead. I like the smile on Henry's face as he looks up at a fan.


You can see how many folks packed into the space there in front of the guys, which represents only a portion of the huge crowd. I like this photo because it shows how intently each brother--JoJo, Ringo, and Henry--is signing folks' merchandise. I think that's speaks well of their respect for their fans.