Forest for the Trees, August 18 through 23, is a not-for-profit public mural project in Portland, Oregon. (Seen on their Web site.)

The fourth mural I photographed while out and about in my Zipcar Kia Soul, named Greer. Artist: Zach Yarrington of Portland, Oregon. Location: 2121 SE 6th. This mural took me by surprise as I drove by, unexpected in cream and black. On the Forest for the Trees NW Web site:
Zach Yarrington is an artist and designer living in Portland, Oregon. He has spent the past three years as co-founder and creative director of Band, a multi-faceted graphic design studio. When not working on client work through Band, he enjoys painting in large scale. Zach likes to make work that is making the places we live better places to be.
It's a doggone shame that some jerk has already tagged this mural. Yes, I said jerk. Strong word, but I do not like it one bit that there are those who believe they are entitled who think the rules do not apply to them, who think it is OK to deface works of art and/or buildings, structures, you name it.

When I drove by, the mural appeared on the passenger side of the car. There was no where to pull off, so I made the block, well the couple of blocks and decided to pull over just past the overpass on the opposite side of the street so that I could get out of the car and take a few photos across the street. I like how the structure of the overpass frames the mural.

I walked back towards the car, stopped and turned to take this wider shot so that you get a feel for the location.
More from FFTT Web site: Forest for the Trees is a not-for-profit public mural project in Portland, Oregon. The mural project promotes public visual expression; collaboration; and community engagement with contemporary art and the creative process. In August 2013, FFTT united seventeen artists from around the world to paint ten Portland murals.
This August, twenty local and international artists will come together for a week in Portland to paint more than a dozen pieces on public walls. FFTT aims to bring opportunity for local and visiting artists, and to share their gifts on a large public scale in Portland—a city already known as a creative hub and home to many talented artists.