Monday 12 May 2014

Seen on my Mother's Day Hike, No. 1


Forest Park, Lower Macleay Park Trail. As I took this photo, several thoughts ran through my mind. Yea, there's the bathroom. Will I be able to keep up with these three fit young people? How close are the woods? How long will it take for the work on the NW Thurman Street Bridge to be completed? I found one answer online--the bridge will reopen in fall, 2014. (It was closed on April 1, 2014.)


A view up through the bridge-to-be in the early stages of being rebuilt.


The woods! The creek! A person on the path in the distance! We shared the trail with lots of people walking, lots of dogs, and quite a few people running.


There's a house up there, in the trees. When we saw someone walking with a paper grocery bag, I mentioned picnic to Leland. He suggested the person just might be walking home from the grocery store! Wow!