Thursday 12 December 2013

Did this happen to you on your birthday, with Google? I am so curious to find out. Thanks!

I've already put this on Facebook a couple of hours ago--Flickr had a technical issue and I couldn't get to the HTML/BB Code until just now so that I could put it on my blog. Please and thank you for indulging my tooting my own horn, repeatedly!

OK. So, I just woke up after snoozing my alarm for 66 minutes because that is how old I turn today. I sat down at the IMac and saw my reminder to enter the Masterpiece Sweepstakes, so I opened a Google page, ready to go to the bookmark. I noticed that Google was a bunch of Happy Birthday goodies which I thought was cool to see first thing on my birthday. Then, as I moved the mouse, I saw a message: Happy Birthday Lynette! I just about fell outta my chair! Then I opened another page, and the birthday goodies are still there and that same message appears when I hold the mouse on any one of the goodies! How come all you other birthday-having-folks didn't tell me to be on the lookout for this? Oh, I get it. You wanted it to be a surprise. THANKS!!!! P. S. I have already received a whole bunch of great Happy Birthday wishes--thanks to everyone!