Saturday, 4 October 2014

Pink super hero gives me the eye when I take his photo at the Race for the Cure



Today's photo, one more with a lot of pink from the Race for the Cure. You know that this super-hero-in-some-sort-of-pink-pants caught my eye. He must've felt me taking the photo because he aimed his razor sharp eyes right at me. I could see 'em through the lens!

Starting Sunday, October 5, I will be out of town, off to England and Scotland for a Trafalgar tour. So, I'm doing my best to complete posts for the days I will be out of town. I plan to search my photo archives for at least one photo that I took on that particular date at some point in the past. I hope you'll enjoy them!

UPDATE, 6:18 a.m. 10/4/2014: Evidently I did not take at least one photo on each day in past Octobers, to I've posted photos taken during October in past years. Enjoy!