Wednesday 19 December 2012

Framed for Christmas, No. 8


Merry Christmas, y'all, from Flat Chris--thanks to Chris' teacher, my friend Tonya, I now have his name correct--and Duncan, the darlin' dachshund! I took this photo on December 22, 2007, back when Mama and I had only been in Portland about a year and a half. We loved our apartment, being in the same city with my sons, and Portland itself.

By the way, that little blue scooter, a Barbie scooter which I had bought at some point at the local Goodwill, turned out to be just what Flat Chris needed to be able to stand up as he was out and about with Mama and me. Cool! And get this. The Monday after I had been looking through my Christmas photos and deciding which ones to print and then post in my work cube, a work friend came by and said, "I dreamed about you last night. You were on a baby blue motor scooter, wearing a matching outfit. You didn't have on your helmet; it was on the seat behind you. You pulled away with a matching blue scarf flying out from around your neck. I have no idea why I dreamed such a thing." When I proceeded to explain to her that I'd been looking at photos that same night, lots of photos with a baby blue scooter in them, we both got chills. She walked back to my cube, at my suggestion, to look at this photo, then returned to where I was relieving the Front Desk worker and exclaimed, "That's the scooter I saw you on in my dream!" More chills.